Is It Time For A New Website?

2 min read

How do you know if your website has had its best days? It is generally agreed that every website needs an overhaul every now and then, but how often is ‘every now and then’?

The average lifespan of a website is around two to three years. However, there may be indicators that point to the need for a new website. For example, does your current site look old-fashioned when you compare it to others in the same field, or even other sites in general? If so, it’s time to get a new one.

Do you have a mobile-friendly site?

It has become vital to have a website that is mobile-responsive. Many people shop on their mobiles, and if they encounter a website that doesn’t display properly on their phone, they’ll click away and go elsewhere. Google has also introduced a mobile-first index. This means websites that are optimised to display on mobiles will rank above those that are not on mobile devices. If you don’t yet have a mobile-friendly website, make the change now before you notice a decline in your rankings.

New developments and advances in technology

Code, plugins, and every other aspect of website technology progresses with each second that passes. The older your site is, the slower and more problematic it could be, too. Calling on a website designer who keeps up with the times as part of their business is one sure way to get a new website that could beat the competition and help you keep current with trends and technologies.

You may be concerned about the cost of a new website. But you should be more concerned about what it might cost you to try and stick with an outdated one. Lost traffic, lost enquiries, and lost customers would all result from an old site. A new one could transform your business from the moment it launches.

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